L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables: The Good Stars (TV)
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DirecciónJohn Kent Harrison
GuiónJohn Kent Harrison
MúsicaLawrence Shragge
RepartoElla Ballentine·Sara Botsford·Martin Sheen·Julia Lalonde·Drew Haytaoglu·Zoe Fraser·Amariah Faulkner·Stefani Kimber·Aviv Cohen·Nicholas McAllister·Kate Hennig·Natalie Lisinska·Kyle Gatehouse·Jess Brown·Frank Cox-O'Connell·Kate Trotter·Tannis Burnett·Joan Gregson·Rosemary Doyle·Robert VerlaqueMostrar todo
Título originalL.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables: The Good Stars (TV)