Los pestiños de mamá (S) (2016)

2016 · Movie · 17 min. · Spain

Los pestiños de mamá (S) (2016)

Rosa tries to recall her mother by cooking the pestiños recipe she always prepared, with no success. She has invited her sisters, Beatriz and Isabel, to help her, even though they don’t speak to each other. Neither one knows that the other one is going to be there, and they can’t imagine how much Rosa wants to eat those pestiños again.

Direction Marta Díaz

Cast Pepa Aniorte · Carmen Flores · Montse Torrent · Cristina Rodriguez

Screenplay Marta Díaz

Cinematography Vanesa Sola

Original title Los pestiños de mamá (S)

Where to watch Los pestiños de mamá (S) (2016)?

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Unfortunately, Los pestiños de mamá (S) (2016) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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