Reyes de España (TV Series) (2012)

2012 · Documentary · 45 min. · Spain

Review by the kings of Spain from the Catholic Monarchs to Alfonso XIII. The extensive history of Spain is sown with light and shadow; of great feats, but also of enormous failures ... In the KING OF SPAIN Documentary Series we will take a tour of that history through the figures of what were the Monarchs of one of the most powerful nations on earth: Spain. REYES DE ESPAÑA is the first documentary work that addresses the history of the 17 Kings who ruled the fate of Spain for six centuries, from its unification by the Catholic Monarchs in 1492 until the Second Republic in 1931. This series has testimonies of Professors of History and Hispanic Experts who will give us a complete perspective of the time of each of the Kings of Spain. ... An exciting journey through more than six centuries of the History of Spain that will help us understand our current affairs.

Direction José Luis Delgado

Cast Lidia San José

Original title Reyes de España (TV Series)

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