Sunset (2018)

2018 · Movie · 142 min. · Hungary

1913, Budapest, in the heart of Europe. The young Irisz Leiter arrives in the Hungarian capital with high hopes to work as a milliner at the legendary hat store that belonged to her late parents. She is nonetheless sent away by the new owner, Oszkár Brill. While preparations are under way at the Leiter hat store, to host guests of uttermost importance, a man abruptly comes to Irisz, looking for a certain Kálmán Leiter. Refusing to leave the city, the young woman follows Kálmán's tracks, her only link to a lost past. Her quest brings her through the dark streets of Budapest, where only the Leiter hat store shines, into the turmoil of a civilization on the eve of its downfall.

Direction László Nemes

Cast Juli Jakab · Vlad Ivanov · Susanne Wuest · Uwe Lauer · Christian Harting · Levente Molnár · Urs Rechn

Soundtrack László Melis

Screenplay László Nemes · Clara Royer · Matthieu Taponier

Cinematography Mátyás Erdély

Original title Napszállta (Sunset)

Also known as Sunset

Where to watch Sunset (2018)?

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