The Great Mom Swap (TV) (1995)

1995 · Movie · 80 min. · United States

The Great Mom Swap (TV) (1995)

Terri Venessi (Mary Kate Schellhardt) local smart girl and deli girl always seems to be at odds with the cheerleading captain, Karen Ridgeway (Hilary Tuck). One day their pranks on each other go too far and the school has to close as a result. The girls have to perform community service. A juvenile counselor (while noticing that both mothers act the same way toward each other) tells them that the girls should switch lives for a while until prom to experience the other girl's life. Reluctantly the girls and their families agree. Karen's family is quite affluent. But both parents work and are gone quite a bit. As a result, Karen, when she was home and now Terri, has to take care of Karen's little sister, Tiffany (Kelsey Mulrooney). During the switch Terri learns that Karen never stands up for herself to her mom (Shelley Fabares),who grew up in the neighborhood with Terri's mom, and is now a social climber. While at Karen's, Terri and Karen's brother David (Andrew Kavovit), discover they like each other, especially after Karen gives Terri a 'makeover'. At Terri's, Karen is living with her mother (Valerie Harper), a widow, and grandfather, Papa Tognetti (Sid Caeser). Terri's is a blue collar family who run an Italian deli. Karen's friends make fun of Terri and now are making fun of Karen, who discovers that her 'friends' are very superficial. Her "best friend" Nicole (Marnette Patterson) starts snubbing her and trying to steal her boyfriend Chad (Hunter Garner), which causes problems for the couple. She also discovers that Terri's mom is much more 'hands on' than her own mother and doesn't like things to change.

Direction Jonathan Prince

Cast Shelley Fabares · Hillary Tuck · Valerie Harper · Mary Kate Schellhardt · Sid Caesar · Robert Clohessy

Soundtrack David Lawrence

Screenplay Maryedith Burrell

Cinematography Sandi Sissel

Original title The Great Mom Swap (TV)

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