Jack & Bobby (TV Series) (2004)

2004 · Series · 40 min. · United States

TV Series (2004). 22 Episodes. If "greatness is thrust upon us," as Winston Churchill once said, then it's equally true that those who are destined for greatness are rarely aware of it. Take Jack and Bobby McCallister, for example: two bright young brothers growing up under the watchful eye of their eccentric single mother, whose personality is a force of nature destined to shape both of these young men's lives and secure one a place in the history books—as President of the United States. Pilot episode: Sixteen-year-old Jack (MATTHEW LONG) and 13-year-old Bobby (LOGAN LERMAN) McCallister are two bright young brothers growing up under the watchful eye of their eccentric unmarried mother, Dr. Grace McCallister (CHRISTINE LAHTI). Grace's personality is a force of nature destined to shape both of these young men's lives and secure one a place in the history books—as the future President of the United States. In present-day Hart, Missouri, relationships develop between the brothers and the people who shape their values and personalities, including Jack's best friend, Marcus Ride (EDWIN HODGE), his beautiful classmate Courtney Benedict (JESSICA PARÉ) and Courtney's father, Peter Benedict (JOHN SLATTERY), who is the handsome interim president at Plains State University, where Grace is a respected and feared history professor. During Bobby's difficult first days in high school, Jack feels burdened by his misfit little brother. Grace expects Jack, a popular track star, to help Bobby become accepted by the students, but Jack is captivated by brainy Courtney and embarrassed by Bobby's boundless enthusiasm and lack of social tact. However, when Bobby gets into serious trouble, it's Jack who rescues him, making a major sacrifice in the process. Although Grace is reluctant to let Bobby learn hard lessons without her protection, Jack makes her confront her own weaknesses and finally agrees to mentor his brother. In flash-forwards to the year 2049, White House staffers and the First Lady are interviewed, giving a midcentury perspective on the man who beat the odds and became one of the greatest leaders of his time.

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