Before I Say Goodbye (2007)

2007 · Movie · 96 min. · United States

Before I Say Goodbye (2007)

Jim is going blind. Returning home to Kentucky after a tour of duty in the Middle East, Jim Kalien is having trouble adjusting to his new world. Chance reunites him with two friends from his youth: Evan, a perfectionist not living up to his father’s standards and Sara, recently separated from her boyfriend due to an abortion. After a medical check up, Jim is confronted with the news that he is losing his vision due to chemical contact overseas. Evan, on his therapist’s suggestion, invites Jim to accompany him on a road trip so that he might get way from his overbearing parents. Sara’s strict father learns of her abortion and after an emotionally charged fight, she also needs to escape town. Together the trio travels across the American landscape. Off in the southwest, Evan falls in love with a prostitute named Mary, while Sara helps Jim ward off his past demons. Facing his low-self esteem, Evan attempts to take Mary away and confronts Eduardo, her pimp, leading to a shocking assault. In the end, with his vision failing and the promise of one last chance at redemption, Jim faces Eduardo in the hopes of starting a new beginning in all of their lives.

Direction Kevin Flores · David Flores

Cast Adam King · Kiera Duffy · Evan Lee · Karla Carter · Tim Kelty · Rick Long · Trudy Wheeler · Aaron Kraig · Phillip Cherry · Jon Armada · Amber Wessel

Soundtrack Clint Davis

Screenplay Kevin Flores · David Flores

Cinematography Kevin Flores · David Flores

Original title Before I Say Goodbye

Where to watch Before I Say Goodbye (2007)?

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Unfortunately, Before I Say Goodbye (2007) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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