I Am a Nymphomaniac (1971)

1971 · Movie · 91 min. · France

Max Pecas' rich and colorful triumphant masterpiece, with Sandra Julien beautiful and beautifully glacial as a living mannequin. She falls down her rabbit-hole in an elevator shaft, into the murkier part of her subconscious desires, unleashed for us in the ultimate explosion of Max Pecas' sexual imagination. Her dreamlike path repeats destruction for her, as she's subjected to a series of torments, owing to nothing more than the release of her natural energy.

Direction Max Pécas

Cast Sandra Julien · Janine Reynaud · Yves Vincent · Patrick Verde · Michel Lemoine · Alain Hitier

Soundtrack Derry Hall

Screenplay Claude Mulot · Max Pécas

Cinematography Robert Lefebvre

Original title Je suis une nymphomane

Also known as Libido: The Urge to Love

Where to watch I Am a Nymphomaniac (1971)?

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