Jerichow (2008)
2008 · Movie · 93 min. · Germany
Synopsis of Jerichow (2008)
The dishonorably discharged war veteran Thomas returns to his home village of Jerichow. Ali, a local Turkish-German businessman, owner of a snack-bar chain, hires him as a driver. That's when Thomas meets Laura, his Turkish boss's young and attractive wife. A classic love triangle is born, unfolding in desolate northeast Germany, where thick forests suddenly end on cliffs overlooking the Baltic Sea. Caught between guilt and freedom, between passion and reason, the protagonists have no hopes for fulfillment of their dreams.
Direction Christian Petzold
Cast Nina Hoss · Benno Fürmann · Hilmi Sözer · Claudia Geisler · Andre Hennicke · Marie Gruber · Knut Berger
Soundtrack Stefan Will
Screenplay Christian Petzold
Cinematography Hans Fromm
Original title Jerichow
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