Aquella casa en las afueras (1980)

1980 · Movie · 101 min. · Spain

A young girl's husband rents a lovely home just outside of Madrid so she can spend the last three months of her pregnancy in peace and luxury. Unfortunately, just as they arrive at the home, the girl realizes that it is the place where she had secretly had an illegal abortion some years before. The clinic is long-gone, but this doesn't ease the woman's disquiet. Things get even worse when she learns that her upstairs neighbor is the old abortionist's assistant.

Direction Eugenio Martín

Cast Alida Valli · Silvia Aguilar · Carmen Maura · Javier Escrivá · Mara Goyanes

Soundtrack Carmelo A. Bernaola

Screenplay Antonio Cuevas · Chumy Chúmez

Cinematography Manuel Rojas

Original title Aquella casa en las afueras

Where to watch Aquella casa en las afueras (1980)?

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Unfortunately, Aquella casa en las afueras (1980) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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