Tôkyô Tarareba Musume (TV Series) (2017)

2017 · Series · 54 min. · Japan

Tôkyô Tarareba Musume (TV Series) (2017)

30-year-old Kamata Rinko is single and a struggling scriptwriter. She has no boyfriend and keeps having night outs at drinking spots with her girlfriends Kaori and Koyuki. "If I become beautiful, a better guy will appear!" "If we grow to like each other, we can get married!" They will not stop talking about these hypothetical questions. Then a younger, handsome, golden-haired guy suddenly utters, "These "what if" women!" and the trio have to face the harsh reality that they are no longer girls. Rinko enters her 30s while still immature, seeking happiness and struggling with romance and work.

Where to watch Tôkyô Tarareba Musume (TV Series) (2017)?

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Unfortunately, Tôkyô Tarareba Musume (TV Series) (2017) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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