The Trouble With Harry (1955)

1955 · Movie · 99 min. · United States

Young Arnie, walking through the Vermont woods, hears some threats, and then gunshots. Investigating, he finds the body of Harry Worp, and he thinks Harry has been murdered. He tells his mother, Jennifer Rogers, who recognizes the man as her ex-husband. She, along with the elderly CaptainWiles and the spinster Ivy Gravely, believe they will be prime suspects when Harry's body is found, so they conspire to bury it, with the help of artist Sam Marlowe.

Direction Alfred Hitchcock

Cast Edmund Gwenn · John Forsythe · Shirley MacLaine · Mildred Natwick · Jerry Mathers · Mildred Dunnock · Royal Dano

Soundtrack Bernard Herrmann

Screenplay John Michael Hayes · Jack Trevor Story

Cinematography Robert Burks

Original title The Trouble With Harry

Where to watch The Trouble With Harry (1955)?

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Unfortunately, The Trouble With Harry (1955) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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