The Long and the Short and the Tall (1961)

1961 · Movie · 110 min. · United Kingdom

The Long and the Short and the Tall (1961)

A troop of British soldiers are out in the jungle to record jungle noises and troop noises in the jungle so that the recordings can be played back by other troops to divert the enemy to their whereabouts. As they progress to what they think is closer to the base camp they find themselves farther and farther from radio range until the only channel they can get clearly is that of a Japanese broadcast. They now realize they are probably only 10 to 15 miles from a Japanese camp! The tension is added to by rowdy and openly admitted "non-hero" Private Bamforth who has nothing good to say about anyone and especially Corporal Johnstone (who holds an equal dislike for Bamforth). When a Japanese soldier is taken as their prisoner, the true colors of each man comes to the surface...

Direction Leslie Norman

Cast Laurence Harvey · Richard Todd · Richard Harris · David McCallum · Ronald Fraser · John Meillon · John Rees · Kenji Takaki

Soundtrack Stanley Black

Screenplay Wolf Mankowitz · Willis Hall

Cinematography Erwin Hillier

Original title The Long and the Short and the Tall

Where to watch The Long and the Short and the Tall (1961)?

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Unfortunately, The Long and the Short and the Tall (1961) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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