Daughters of Satan (1972)
1972 · Movie · 90 min. · United States

Synopsis of Daughters of Satan (1972)
James Robertson buys a painting depicting witches being burned at the stake, one of whom bears an uncanny resemblance to his wife, Chris. Chris, gradually taken over by the personality of the witch in the painting that she resembles, allies herself with two other reincarnated witches to plan James' death, as he proves to be a descendant of the man responsible for the witches' fate. Written
Direction Hollingsworth Morse
Cast Tom Selleck · Barra Grant · Tani Guthrie · Paraluman · Vic Silayan · Gina Laforteza · Ben Rubio · Paquito Salcedo · Vic Diaz · Chito Reyes · Bobby Greenwood
Soundtrack Richard LaSalle
Screenplay John C. Higgins · John A. Bushelman
Cinematography Nonong Rasca
Original title Daughters of Satan
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