Gesher (2010)
2010 · Movie · 84 min. · Iran

Synopsis of Gesher (2010)
Ghobad, Jahan and Nezam , three men in pursuit of a better life, leave home and head for Oslouyeh, one of the richest gas producing regions in the south of Iran. However, the difficult living conditions together with the low salaries oblige them and others to find shelter along the disused sections of the pipeline. The group of workers manage to create an atmosphere of camaraderie despite the difficult conditions with which they are faced.
Direction Vahid Vakilifar
Cast Abdolrassoul Daryapeyma · Hossein Farzi-Zadeh · Ghobad Rahmaninassab
Screenplay Vahid Vakilifar
Cinematography Mohamad Reza Jahanpanah
Original title Gesher
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