Donor Unknown (2010)

2010 · Documentary · United Kingdom

Donor Unknown (2010)

Growing up, the only thing JoEllen Marsh knew about her biological father was that he was Donor 150. She had basic questions about where she came from and who shared her nose. Using the Internet and social networking sites, JoEllen set out to locate and meet for the first time dozens of brothers and sisters across the country. With an ever-expanding family tree, JoEllen and her newfound siblings decide to initiate contact with the bearer for their shared genes, Donor 150. Enter Jeffrey Harrison, an eccentric fiftysomething hippie living out of an RV on Venice Beach. As a youngster, Jeffrey moved to Hollywood with acting dreams, but between posing for Playgirl, waiting tables, and donating sperm at $20 a pop, his life didn't pan out as planned.

Direction Jerry Rothwell

Soundtrack Max de Wardener

Cinematography Jerry Rothwell

Original title Donor Unknown

Where to watch Donor Unknown (2010)?

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Unfortunately, Donor Unknown (2010) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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