The Two-Headed Spy (1958)

1958 · Movie · 93 min. · United Kingdom

World War II spy thriller supposedly based on true story. British secret agent (Jack Hawkins) successfully infiltrates Nazi military, achieves rank of general during WWII. He gains full confidence of entire Nazi high command, including Fuhrer Adolf Hitler himself, save one suspecting German officer (played with evil panache by Erik Schumann). All the while Hawkins passes war-winning information to Allies assisted by two loyal Berlin contacts, first Felix Aylmer and then nightclub singer Gia Scala. Riveting, intense war drama strongly played by entire cast, with touching love-interest relationship between Hawkins and Scala and a suspenseful, cliffhanger finale. Also memorable is frightening Adolf Hitler as played by Kenneth Griffith: Griffith's Hitler always portrayed from behind, face unseen but with snarling, tyrannical voice. Previously well respected, widely known film has inexplicably faded from view.

Where to watch The Two-Headed Spy (1958)?

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