Fuera de temporada (S) (2017)

2017 · Movie · 23 min. · Argentina

Fuera de temporada (S)

Synopsis of Fuera de temporada (S) (2017)

Vera and Bruno used to be a couple, but haven't seen one another since they separated. He coincidentally appears before her during a long-awaited country house weekend with friends on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.

Direction Sabrina Campos

Cast Margarita Molfino · Pablo Lugones · Guillermina Pico · Martín Tchira · Vanina Montes

Soundtrack Diego Martínez

Screenplay Sabrina Campos

Cinematography Santiago Guzmán

Original title Fuera de temporada (S)

Where to watch Fuera de temporada (S) (2017)? Streaming, buy, and rent

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Is Fuera de temporada (S) (2017) on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?

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