Atlantis, the Lost Continent (1961)

1961 · Movie · 90 min. · United States

While at sea, the Greek fisherman Dmitrius (Sal Ponti, as Anthony Hall) finds a girl adrift and rescues her. She claims to be Antilea (Joyce Taylor), a Princess of Atlantis. While tending her, Dmitrius falls in love with her. Recovering, she tries to steal his boat. He stops her but she challenges him to sail to her home where she promises to reward him with great riches. They set forth but are instead captured by an Atlantean submarine. Back in Atlantis, he, like all outsiders, is made a slave. He curses her name, although she is unaware of what has happened to him. Dmitrius takes the only recourse – to fight for his freedom in the arena – in order to win his Princess and stop the plans of the king’s power-mad advisor to declare war on the outside world.

Direction George Pal

Cast Sal Ponti · Joyce Taylor · John Dall · William Smith · Edward Platt · Berry Kroeger · Paul Frees · Frank DeKova · Jay Novello · Wolfe Barzell · Edgar Stehli

Soundtrack Russell Garcia

Screenplay Daniel Mainwaring · Gerald Hargreaves

Cinematography Harold E. Wellman

Original title Atlantis, the Lost Continent

Where to watch Atlantis, the Lost Continent (1961)?

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Unfortunately, Atlantis, the Lost Continent (1961) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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