A Successful Man (Un hombre de éxito) (1985)

1985 · Movie · 116 min. · Cuba

A Successful Man (Un hombre de éxito) (1985)

The story of two brothers provides the framework for this interpretation of the history of Cuba before Castro's revolution. Beginning in 1932 we follow Javier Argüelles (César Évora) as he takes advantage of every opportunity that comes his way to become a successful businessman. Meanwhile, his brother takes a different path, becoming highly politicized and fighting the establishment in which Javier is so deeply entrenched

Direction Humberto Solás

Cast César Évora · Raquel Revuelta · Daisy Granados · Jorge Trinchet · Rubens de Falco · Mabel Roch · Carlos Cruz · Miguel Navarro

Soundtrack Luigi Nono

Screenplay Humberto Solás · Juan Iglesias

Cinematography Livio Delgado

Original title Un hombre de éxito

Where to watch A Successful Man (Un hombre de éxito) (1985)?

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Unfortunately, A Successful Man (Un hombre de éxito) (1985) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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