Gentlemen of Nerve (S) (1914)

1914 · Movie · 16 min. · United States

Mabel and her beau go to an auto race and are joined by Charlie and his friend. As Charlie's friend is attempting to enter the raceway through a hole, the friend gets stuck and a policeman shows up. Charlie sprays the policeman with soda until he friends makes it through the hole. In the grandstand, Mabel abandons her beau for Charlie. Both Charlie's friend and Mabel's are arrested and hauled away.

Direction Charles Chaplin

Cast Charles Chaplin · Mabel Normand · Chester Conklin · Mack Swain · Phyllis Allen · Edgar Kennedy · Alice Davenport

Screenplay Charles Chaplin

Cinematography Frank D. Williams

Original title Gentlemen of Nerve (S)

Where to watch Gentlemen of Nerve (S) (1914)?

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Unfortunately, Gentlemen of Nerve (S) (1914) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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