Timecop: The Berlin Decision (Timecop 2) (2003)

2003 · Movie · 81 min. · United States

Sequel to the 1994 movie starring Jean Claude Van Damme. Set twenty years later, the TEC (Time Enforcement Commission) the agency that makes sure that no one travels into the past without permission and changes history, is still going strong. Now Brandon Miller a TEC operative, believes that they have a responsibility to change history hoping that the world will be better but Ryan Chan another Tec operative stops him but kills the woman he loves in the process. Two years later Miller escapes from prison and sets out to eliminate all TEC operatives by killing their ancestors. Eventually Ryan's the only one left and has to stop Miller before he gets him.

Direction Steve Boyum

Cast Jason Scott Lee · Thomas Ian Griffith · Mary Page Keller · John Beck · Josh Hammond · Tava Smiley · Tricia Barry · T.J. Thyne

Soundtrack Andy Gray

Screenplay Gary Scott Thompson · Mike Richardson · Mark Verheiden

Cinematography Crescenzo Notarile

Original title Timecop: The Berlin Decision (Timecop 2)

Where to watch Timecop: The Berlin Decision (Timecop 2) (2003)?

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Unfortunately, Timecop: The Berlin Decision (Timecop 2) (2003) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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