1929 · Movie · 92 min. · United Kingdom
The star attraction of the Piccadilly Club is the dancing team of Mabel and Vic. Victor is infatuated with Mabel, but she rejects his advances, since she is in love with Valentine Wilmot, the club's owner. One night, as Mabel and Vic perform their act, there is a disruption caused by a customer who is unhappy about a dirty plate. When Wilmot goes back to the kitchen to investigate, he finds several employees in the scullery watching Shosho, one of the dishwashers, dancing on a table. That night, Wilmot fires both Shosho and Victor. But the club's sagging fortunes soon lead him to re-evaluate Shosho's talent.
Direction Ewald André Dupont
Cast Gilda Gray · Anna May Wong · Jameson Thomas · Charles Laughton · Cyril Ritchard · King Hou Chang · Hannah Jones
Soundtrack Harry Gordon
Screenplay Arnold Bennett
Cinematography Werner Brandes
Original title Piccadilly
94 votes (FilmAffinity)
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