The Best Of Times
1989 · Movie · 109 min. · Spain
Sometimes people know so thoroughly what they meant to say that they lose all objectivity about whether they have actually communicated what they intended to. Reviewers suspected that this might be the case with this film. Three separate but (possibly) related situations take place in it. In the first, Daniel (Jorge de Juan) arrives in town carrying a briefcase which he is meant to deliver to someone. He is prevented from doing so by a police raid. In the second situation, Daniel follows Maria (Iciar Bollain) around, attempting to charm her. Despite her protests, she does succumb to his blandishments. Finally, Maria is working for a greenhouse which uses potentially dangerous chemicals to preserve the fruit it ships out. She and her boss connive to sabotage the operation and spare the workers from further exposure to the chemicals.
Direction Felipe Vega
Cast Icíar Bollaín · Carmen Bullejos · Jorge de Juan · Rafael Díaz · Rosario Flores · Jack Taylor
Soundtrack Bernardo Bonezzi
Screenplay Ignacio Gutiérrez-Solana · Felipe Vega
Cinematography José Luis López-Linares
Original title El mejor de los tiempos
25 votes (FilmAffinity)
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