Elopement (TV) (2010)

2010 · Movie · 90 min. · Canada

Elopement (TV) (2010)

Mark and Jamie, a young couple in love, decide to embezzle money and elope to Vegas to avoid being separated by their families. On the way there, their plane crashes down in a lake. Mark’s true nature is revealed when instead of saving Jamie, he takes the suitcase full of money leaving her to drown. Eight years later, Mark has become quite successful and is now married with his past deeply buried; until his 7 year old daughter needs a kidney transplant. In a desperate attempt to save his daughter’s life, he returns from the grave and kidnaps his 16 year old niece to harvest her kidney against her will. Mark’s older brother David, a Deputy Sheriff, continues to investigate the plane crash and realizes his brother is also responsible for kidnapping his niece.

Direction George Erschbamer

Cast Ian Ziering · Chris Kramer · Pascale Hutton · Madison Bell · Doug Abrahams · Ralph Alderman · Jianna Ballad

Soundtrack Stu Goldberg

Screenplay Barbara Fixx · George Erschbamer · Jeffrey Barmash

Cinematography Cliff Hokanson

Original title Elopement (TV)

Also known as Kidnapped - 48 Hours of Terror

Where to watch Elopement (TV) (2010)?

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