Solitaires (S) (1913)

1913 · Movie · 8 min. · United States

Solitaires (S) (1913)

Frank and Julia are very good friends, both being single, and live in adjoining apartments. Getting a letter from a friend who asks him to buy an engagement ring. Frank does not know what to do and fears lest he make a mistake. He asks Julia to help him and together they sally forth to the jewelry store, where the ring is purchased. At the store they are seen by Mrs. Gossip, who tells everyone that they are engaged, with the result that the couple are deluged with presents and congratulations. Julia is furious, blaming Frank for the occurrence, but he is more amused than anything else. Finally Julia is persuaded that a real engagement between them would not be so bad, after all. and they go out again to buy yet another solitaire.

Direction Van Dyke Brooke

Cast Norma Talmadge · Leo Delaney · Florence Ashbrooke · Charles Delaney

Original title Solitaires (S)

Where to watch Solitaires (S) (1913)?

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Unfortunately, Solitaires (S) (1913) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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