The Color of Rain (TV) (2014)

2014 · Movie · 100 min. · United States

When Matt Kell, husband and father to two young boys, succumbs to terminal cancer on Christmas day, his widow, Gina (Lacey Chabert) is left to cope with the pain of his loss. Wanting to be close to her kids, Gina starts to volunteer at their elementary school and meets the Spehn children, Jack, Danny and Charlotte. In a tragic coincidence, just weeks after Matt’s death, the Spehns' mom, Cathy, was also suddenly taken by cancer, leaving her distraught husband, Michael (Warren Christie), to care for their three kids on his own. Sensing the hopelessness in Michael that she so recently saw in herself, Gina reaches out to him and his kids and the two families begin to forge an unlikely friendship. During the year that follows, the lives of the two families become intertwined as they learn to lean on each other, beginning to heal with laughter, compassion and faith.

Direction Anne Wheeler

Cast Lacey Chabert · Warren Christie · Logan Williams · Alison Thornton · Lisa Durupt · Sean Michael Kyer · Gwynyth Walsh

Soundtrack Peter Allen

Screenplay Nancey Silvers

Cinematography Paul Mitchnick

Original title The Color of Rain (TV)

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