Puente de Varsovia (Pont de Varsòvia) (1990)

1990 · Movie · 105 min. · Spain

Pont de Varsòvia is dated 1989, the year of the fall of the Berlin Wall. If the predominant look in Nocturn 29 was that of the upper classes in the sixties, in Pont de Varsòvia we have shining images of the new intellectuals and the amnesic, progressive, European political classes. But beneath that sparking surface of spectacular socio-cultural events and the frivolous life in a happy Europe, lies the tension of broken memories and personal and historical cataclysms. Filmed as meticulously as contemporary comercial cinema, Pont de Varsòvias shatters the plot into a thousand fragments in a European landscape broken by the return of History. It is therefore not strange that two years later Godard should be the author of a sibling film, Germany Year 90 Nine Zero explicitly the heir to Rossellini's Germany year zero in 1947 post-war Europe.

Direction Pere Portabella

Cast Carme Elías · Josep Maria Pou · Jordi Dauder · Francisco Guijar · Ona Planas · Jaume Comas · Francesc Orella · Pep Ferrer · La Fura dels Baus · Blai Llopis · Jordi Bosch · Andreu Benito

Soundtrack Carles Santos

Screenplay Pere Portabella · Carles Santos · Octavi Pellissa

Cinematography Tomás Pladevall

Original title Puente de Varsovia (Pont de Varsòvia)

Where to watch Puente de Varsovia (Pont de Varsòvia) (1990)?

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