Doctor Who: The Daleks (TV) (1963)

1963 · Movie · 171 min. · United Kingdom

The second story of the show. As the Doctor tries in vain to return Ian and Barbara to their own time, the companions find themselves on a petrified planet called Skaro. Skaro is home to two races, both mutated in a long-ago war. The Thals are now beautiful and peace-loving, while the Daleks are evil monsters housed inside robotic travelling machines. The Thals have come to the Dalek city to make amends with their long-ago enemies, but the Daleks secretly plot to exterminate the entire Thal race.

Direction Christopher Barry

Cast William Hartnell · William Russell · Carole Ann Ford · Jacqueline Hill · Virginia Wetherell · Philip Bond · Alan Wheatley

Soundtrack Tristram Cary

Screenplay Terry Nation · Sydney Newman

Cinematography John Treays · Geoff Shaw

Original title Doctor Who: The Daleks (TV)

Where to watch Doctor Who: The Daleks (TV) (1963)?

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Unfortunately, Doctor Who: The Daleks (TV) (1963) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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