We Are Not Alone (1939)

1939 · Movie · 112 min. · United States

We Are Not Alone (1939)

Dr. David Newcome (Paul Muni) lives with his wife Jessica (Flora Robson) and son Gerald (Raymond Severn)in the small English town of Calderbury. Jessica, conventional and somewhat stupid, is unable to understand the sinsitive little boy and her stern, unsympathetic discipline aggravates Gerald's nervousness. The doctor is called to care for Leni (Jane Bryan), an Austrian dancer stranded in England, who has tried to commit suicide, and he decides she is just the person to hire as a governess for Gerald based on, evidently, no logic at all but it does move the plot. Jessica learns the true story of Leni's background and demands she be discharged

Where to watch We Are Not Alone (1939)?

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Unfortunately, We Are Not Alone (1939) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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