A Walk in the Spring Rain (1970)

1970 · Movie · 98 min. · United States

Libby Meredith and her husband Roger, a college professor, have a quiet, comfortable marriage. They journey to the Great Smoky Mountain region of Tennessee, where Roger will spend his sabbatical year writing a book. Their neighbor, an unhappily married mountain man falls in love with Libby at first sight. Although plagued by guilt, Libby cannot deny the sudden, overwhelming passion and exuberance she feels as a result of the mountain man's confession of love. Their brief, idyllic affair is interrupted by sudden violence.

Direction Guy Green

Cast Anthony Quinn · Ingrid Bergman · Fritz Weaver · Katharine Crawford · Tom Holland · Virginia Gregg · Mitchell Silberman · David Opatoshu

Soundtrack Elmer Bernstein

Screenplay Stirling Silliphant · Rachel Maddux

Cinematography Charles Lang

Original title A Walk in the Spring Rain

Where to watch A Walk in the Spring Rain (1970)?

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