The Average Woman (1924)

1924 · Movie · 64 min. · United States

The Average Woman (1924)

Reporter Jimmy Munroe is writing an article on "the average woman". He meets Sally Whipple in the library and chooses her as a likely subject, following her around to gather material for his article, and eventually falls in love with her. Her father, Judge Whipple, doesn't like it; he has Jimmy arrested and allows him to see Sally only once a week. Meanwhile, disreputable businessman Van Alten is after Sally, and tries to pressure her into marrying him by threatening to release letters he says will embarrass her father.

Direction Christy Cabanne

Cast Pauline Garon · David Powell · Harrison Ford II · Burr McIntosh · Russell Griffin · Coit Albertson · De Sacia Mooers · William H. Tooker

Screenplay Ray Harris

Cinematography John W. Brown · Neil Sullivan

Original title The Average Woman

Where to watch The Average Woman (1924)?

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Unfortunately, The Average Woman (1924) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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