Mulheres Alteradas (2018)
2018 · Movie · 87 min. · Brazil

Synopsis of Mulheres Alteradas (2018)
Leandra is having a quarter life crisis: she wants to get married and have kids, but she doesn't even have a boyfriend. Her sister, Sonia, is married and has two kids, but what she most wants is a night out with her Best friend, Marinati. Marinati is a workaholic attorney, who happened to fall in love just as her career was taking off. Marinati is Keka's boss; Keka, is nervous about the vacation she has planned to save her marriage.
Direction Luis Pinheiro
Cast Deborah Secco · Alessandra Negrini · Monica Iozzi · Maria Casadevall · Sérgio Guizé · Daniel Boaventura · Augusto Madeira · João Vicente de Castro · Luciana Paes · Mário Gomes · Patrícia Travassos · Stepan Nercessian
Screenplay Caco Galhardo · Maitena Burundarena · Lilian Amarante
Cinematography Will Etchebehere
Original title Mulheres Alteradas
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