Sindjelici (TV Series) (2013)

2013 · Series · Serbia

Sindjelici (TV Series)

Synopsis of Sindjelici (TV Series) (2013)

Lila and Sreten marry and begin to live together with children from his and her first marriages--Lila has two daughters and Sreten three sons. But things don't go as planned, and at one point they ask themselves whether they did the right thing. Family Sindjelic make Sreten widower, his brothers Jezdimir and Momcilo and Sreten's sons and Metodije, Gojko i Kolja. Sreten, after the death of his first wife, married Lila, his girlfriend from high school. Lila has a daughters Eva and Teresa, mother Ksenija and aunt Lidija. Sreten's best friend is Fedor, and Lila's best friend is Fedor's wife Nikolina.

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