Well Tempered Corpses (2005)

2005 · Movie · 92 min. · Bosnia and Herzegovina

Well Tempered Corpses

Synopsis of Well Tempered Corpses (2005)

The main heroes of this black comedy are two morgue workers, Risto and Safet. The two of them are betting daily on how many corpses will arrive that day. One morning, Risto predicts less than 4 bodies, while Safet states 4 or more. Ruzduja Kucuk (Laza Ristovski), a local swindler, is their first "guest". While he was alive, Kucuk used to transport passengers on a tractor that he received from the Dutch government as humanitarian aid. Because the fields were full of mines, he could not use it for agriculture, so he adapted it for transport. But, Ruzdija suffers from a very peculiar disease - as soon as he gets angry, he experiences a clinical death. Did Kucuk spoil the betting of Risto and Safet, and how the destiny connects the other corpses' lives?

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