Si elle dit oui... je ne dis pas non (1983)
1983 · Movie · 89 min. · France

Synopsis of Si elle dit oui... je ne dis pas non (1983)
When clumsy Marcel is thrown out of his apartment by his girlfriend early in the morning, without shoes or trousers and his coffee cup still in his hand, his first impulse is suicide. On second thought he decides to visit is favorite hotel. However his usual room is occupied by reporter Catherine. To impress her, he tells her a story that he'd own the company he works at and would be a billionaire. She writes a title story about him. Will he manage to win her heart despite this lie?
Direction Claude Vital
Cast Mireille Darc · Pierre Mondy · Paul Freeman · Jean-François Garreaud · Sergio Fantoni · Michel Bardinet · Yane Barry · Robert Le Béal · Robert Dalban · Patricia Elig
Soundtrack Jacques Revaux
Screenplay Mireille Darc · Catherine Bouguereau · Marcel Jullian
Cinematography Maurice Fellous
Original title Si elle dit oui... je ne dis pas non
Where to watch Si elle dit oui... je ne dis pas non (1983)? Streaming, buy, and rent
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Is Si elle dit oui... je ne dis pas non (1983) on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?
Many users search for whether Si elle dit oui... je ne dis pas non (1983) is available on Netflix, Disney+, or Amazon Prime Video. Availability may vary by country, so we recommend checking directly on the streaming platforms.
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