The Late Show (1977)

1977 · Movie · 94 min. · United States

A financially strained, aging private detective named Ira Wells isn't a well man and is barely active in the business. He is a loner who doesn't much care for company or small talk. When his ex-partner Harry Regan, however, shows up at Ira's boarding house one night mortally wounded while on a case, Ira feels it's up to him to get to the bottom of it. The trail leads Ira to a small-time fence named Birdwell, whose young bodyguard Lamar is only too happy to rough up the old man when Ira pays a call. But they make a mistake in intimidating and underestimating Ira, who ends up paying Lamar back in kind as well as tracking down Birdwell's missing wife. Meanwhile, a would-be client named Margo Sperling is introduced to Ira by a mutual acquaintance, Charlie Hatter, a tipster. Margo is a quirky individual who acts as an agent for a singer, sells marijuana on the side and wants to hire Ira to find not a murderer but just her missing cat. As they get to know each other after a rocky start, Ira and Margo hit it off to the point that she offers to become his new partner. But first they need to deal with a dangerous confrontation in Margo's apartment.

Direction Robert Benton

Cast Art Carney · Lily Tomlin · Bill Macy · Eugene Roche · Joanna Cassidy · John Considine · Ruth Nelson · John Davey · Howard Duff

Soundtrack Kenneth Wannberg

Screenplay Robert Benton

Cinematography Charles Rosher Jr.

Original title The Late Show

Where to watch The Late Show (1977)?

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Unfortunately, The Late Show (1977) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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