Tales of Young Genji Kuro 2 (1958)

1958 · Movie · 87 min. · Japan

Tales of Young Genji Kuro 2 (1958)

Thanks to a secret message hidden on the two sacred swords Kaen and Suien, the samurai Genji Kurô (Nakamura Kinnosuke) found the hidden treasure of Lord Yoshitsune. When he gives a piece of the treasure to a couple of poor but honest people so they can pay their debts, it attracts the unwanted attention of several dishonest people, such as pirates, greedy merchants and rebels. While the government is fighting a battle for power against rebels and royalists, all want the treasure by any means possible.

Direction Tai Kato

Cast Kinnosuke Nakamura · Satomi Oka · Kasho Nakamura · Keiko Okawa

Original title Genji Kurô Sassôki: Byakko Nitoryu

Where to watch Tales of Young Genji Kuro 2 (1958)?

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Unfortunately, Tales of Young Genji Kuro 2 (1958) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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