Accused at 17 (TV) (2009)

2009 · Movie · 90 min. · United States

When 17-year-old Bianca Miller (Nicole Gaie Anderson) finds out her boyfriend cheated on her with a classmate (Dory, 17), she’s furious. When her best friends Fallyn, 17, and Sarah, 17 suggest they play a prank on Dory to make her pay, Bianca agrees to go along. The three girls lure Dory to a remote location, intending to leave her out there in the dark and make her walk home. But when Dory doesn’t show up to school the next day, everyone, including Bianca, start to worry. When Dory’s dead body is found by a hiker, Bianca is horrified and wants to go to the police. She confesses to her mother Jacqui (Cynthia Gibb) the details of the prank and the two decide to go to the police and tell them. What Bianca doesn’t know is that the girl was murdered by her two best friends! Realizing that Bianca’s going to the police could implicate her, Fallyn decides to frame Bianca for Dory’s murder. With Bianca facing life in prison for a murder she didn’t do, Jacqui does the only thing she can. She appeals to Fallyn’s father Richard (William Moses) and his strong sense of morality to help her elicit the truth from Fallyn. But will Richard decide to help Jacqui and Bianca or hide Fallyn’s dark secret to keep his daughter from going to prison for not one, but two murders...

Direction Doug Campbell

Cast Cynthia Gibb · Nicole Gale Anderson · William R. Moses · Linden Ashby · Barbara Niven · Janet Montgomery · Reiley McClendon

Soundtrack Michael Burns · Steve Gurevitch

Screenplay Christine Conradt · Ken Sanders

Cinematography Robert Ballo

Original title Accused at 17 (TV)

Where to watch Accused at 17 (TV) (2009)?

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