¡Aquí hay petróleo! (1956)

1956 · Movie · 85 min. · Spain

¡Aquí hay petróleo! (1956)

Castilviejo is an Castilian village, that takes years and years by diing of thirst. A day moves close a few Americans that want make oil prospecting in the plots of Don Zoilo Mendoza, by securing that under its there is petroleum. Their main problem was the water that it was scarce. When it appeared a new economic possibility as in this case was the petroleum, produced to him a convulsion in the rural society. (by psagray)

Where to watch ¡Aquí hay petróleo! (1956)?

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Unfortunately, ¡Aquí hay petróleo! (1956) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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