Incense for the Damned (1970)

1970 · Movie · 87 min. · United Kingdom

A group of friends search for a young English Oxford student who has disappeared whilst researching in Greece. They are shocked to find that, wherever he has been, certain unsolved murders have taken place. Not believing that their friend could be the perpetrator of such acts, they press on with their search, finding him under the spell of a beautiful Vampire, whose blood-sucking methods include the use of sado-masochism. Believing they have killed her, the group return home, unaware that their friend is now a Vampire.

Direction Robert Hartford-Davis

Cast Patrick MacNee · Patrick Mower · Johnny Sekka · Alexander Davion · Peter Cushing · Imogen Hassall · William Mervyn

Soundtrack Robert Richards

Screenplay Julian More · Simon Raven

Cinematography Desmond Dickinson

Original title Incense for the Damned - Blood Suckers

Also known as Bloodsuckers · Freedom Seekers · Doctors Wear Scarlet

Where to watch Incense for the Damned (1970)?

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Unfortunately, Incense for the Damned (1970) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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