Lovers, Happy Lovers! (1954)

1954 · Movie · 100 min. · France

Lovers, Happy Lovers! (1954)

From the Louis Hemon novel "M. Ripois and His Nemesis" about Andre Ripois, a philanderer in pursuit of love and riches from Paris to London. Andre is breaking up with his wife, Catherine, over his attentions to her best friend Patricia. While Catherine is out arranging the divorce, Andre, just to keep in practice, hits on the girl upstairs, Diana and then turns his attention back to Patricia, who he tricks into having dinner at his flat on the pretext that Catherine will be there. When he cannot make any progress with her via his usual tactics, he tries to arouse her pity be telling her of his past. In his early, impoverished days in London, he made love to his boss Anne but her dreadful cooking drove him away. Next came Norah who he picked up on a bus and took to his flat and told her about his make-believe inheritance, but she insisted on marriage first, which was not in his plans. Marcelle...

Direction René Clément

Cast Gérard Philipe · Valerie Hobson · Joan Greenwood · Margaret Johnston · Natasha Parry · Germaine Montero

Soundtrack Roman Vlad

Screenplay René Clément · Hugh Mills · Louis Hémon

Cinematography Oswald Morris

Original title Monsieur Ripois (Lovers, Happy Lovers!)

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