Ruin (2013)

2013 · Movie · 90 min. · Australia

Ruin (2013)

RUIN is an impressionistic fable- the story of Phirun (Rous Mony) and Sovanna (Sang Malen) - two young lovers inexplicably drawn together who escape a brutal and exploitative world of crime and violence in modern day Cambodia. Fleeing Phnom Penh after a murder, they travel deeper into the jungle. As their vulnerable love ebbs and flows along their journey, they wake from the trauma of their former lives and unleash a violent rage upon the world. Love and death intermingle as they travel deeper into the abyss- their world strangely transforming around the two young lovers on the run.

Direction Michael Cody · Amiel Courtin-Wilson

Cast Sang Malen · Rous Mony

Soundtrack Steve Benwell

Screenplay Michael Cody · Amiel Courtin-Wilson

Cinematography Ari Wegner

Original title Ruin

Where to watch Ruin (2013)?

If you are wondering where to watch Ruin (2013), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

Unfortunately, Ruin (2013) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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