The Christmas Pact (TV) (2018)

2018 · Movie · 84 min. · United States

The Christmas Pact (TV) (2018)

Can best friends fall in love? That's the question next door neighbors Sadie (Pratt) and Ben (Joseph) will answer as they keep the spirit of Christmas and the magic of their childhood pact alive. When they were eight years old, they planted a scrawny 3-foot tall Christmas tree behind their church and the Christmas Pact began. But as life gets in the way the pact is threatened to be broken. Ben and Sadie need some Christmas Magic to recommit to each other and promise to keep their special holiday traditions. With each Christmas that passes by, Ben and Sadie's Christmas tree grows taller and stronger; and so does their love. The pact bearing fruit to the magic of Christmas and the undeniable answer. Yes, friends can fall in love!"

Direction Marita Grabiak

Cast Kyla Pratt · Kiara Malcolm · Jarod Joseph · Akiz Aguma · Heather-Claire Nortey · Hamza Fouad · Kadeem Hardison · Jasmine Guy · Stephanie Bennett · Nicole Anthony · Kyal Scott

Soundtrack Russ Howard III

Screenplay Blaine Chiappetta · Damon Hill

Cinematography Mike Kam

Original title The Christmas Pact (TV)

Where to watch The Christmas Pact (TV) (2018)?

If you are wondering where to watch The Christmas Pact (TV) (2018), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch The Christmas Pact (TV) (2018) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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