Marry the Bo$$'$ Daughter (1941)

1941 · Movie · 60 min. · United States

Marry the Bo$$'$ Daughter (1941)

Jefferson Cole comes to New York seeking a job, but is unable to find one. He does find a lost dog that belongs to Fredericka "Freddie" Barrett, daughter of tycoon J. W. Barrett. When he returns the dog, "Freddie" takes a liking to him and persuades her father to give him a job. He is assigned to the Checking Department, discovers that the department is costing the company money and is unneeded. Barrett eliminates the department and Jeff loses his job. But he shows 'Freddie" just how much money the company has been losing on its South American mine, and she forces her father to listen to Jeff. Convinced, Barret makes Jeff head of the mine, and he and 'Freddie" start their honeymoon en route to South America.

Direction Thornton Freeland

Cast Brenda Joyce · Bruce Edwards · George Barbier · Hardie Albright · Ludwig Stössel · Bodil Rosing · Brandon Tynan · Charles Arnt · George Meeker · Frank McGlynn Sr. · Eula Guy · Monica Bannister

Soundtrack Cyril J. Mockridge

Screenplay Sándor Faragó · Alexander G. Kenedi · Jack Andrews

Cinematography Charles G. Clarke

Original title Marry the Bo$$'$ Daughter

Also known as Marry the Boss's Daughter

Where to watch Marry the Bo$$'$ Daughter (1941)?

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Unfortunately, Marry the Bo$$'$ Daughter (1941) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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