Love in the Medina (2011)
2011 · Movie · 113 min. · Morocco

Synopsis of Love in the Medina (2011)
In the Medina of Casablanca, young Thami braves the wrath of his father, the conservative Adel coming from a long line of prestigious Koranic lawyers, to embrace the only occupation he cares for: butchery. As he handles the meats, he discovers another taboo passion, women and the taste of love with Zineb. A journey of initiation, a quest for freedom, Thami and Zineb’s love is a revolution in today’s fast and changing Morocco.
Direction Abdelhaï Laraki
Cast Omar Lotfi · Ouidad Elma · Driss Roukhe · Abdou El Mesnaoui · Zahira Seddiki · Nissrin Radi · Amal Ayouch
Soundtrack Richard Horowitz
Screenplay Abdelhaï Laraki · Violaine Bellet
Cinematography Roberta Allegrini
Original title Jnah L'Hwa (Love in the Medina)
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