Jo-Jo at the Gate of the Lions (1992)

1992 · Movie · 96 min. · United States

Jo-Jo at the Gate of the Lions (1992)

Jo-Jo is a young woman who hears voices. She meets and falls in love with Jon, an astronomer with whom she feels a strange affinity. For Jon, life is complete once he has found Jo-Jo; his destiny is achieved. However, Jo-Jo's voices tell her that she must sacrifice her desire for a simple happiness with Jon if she is to fulfill the strange and elusive destiny in store for her. She believes that by resisting what she wants, or by embracing pain, she may be able in some mysterious and mystical way to prevent nuclear war. The voices compel her to accept as part of her fate a relationship with Luke, a shadowy phone-sex entrepreneur who persuades her to come work for him. He too imagines that Jo-Jo belongs with him, and she is drawn to his very violence. Caught between these two men, her destiny and her desires, Jo-Jo withdraws from the demands and joys of the real world. She focuses her mind inward, in a kind of apotheosis, to understand the message her voices bring her, a message of passion, fear and spiritual transfiguration.

Direction Britta Sjogren

Cast Lorie Marino · Chris Shearer · David Schultz · Rosanna · Kate Griba

Soundtrack Jonathan Sampson

Screenplay Britta Sjogren

Cinematography Greg Watkins

Original title Jo-Jo at the Gate of the Lions

Where to watch Jo-Jo at the Gate of the Lions (1992)?

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Unfortunately, Jo-Jo at the Gate of the Lions (1992) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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