The Magoichi Saga (1969)

1969 · Movie · 95 min. · Japan

The Magoichi Saga (1969)

In Magoichi Saga (Shirikurae Magoichi, Daiei,1969) Magoichi Saika (Kinnosuke Nakamura) has fallen in love with a woman whose face he never saw. With an apparent foot fetish obsession, he spends the first portion of the film looking for the woman he'll recognize only by her feet & toes. She turns out to be Female Stereotype Number Two, number one being The Harlot, number two the innocent virgin, the Buddhist Princess Kano (Yoko Namiwaka).

Direction Kenji Misumi

Cast Kinnosuke Nakamura · Komaki Kurihara · Kojiro Hongo · Katsuo Nakamura · Shintarô Katsu · Yoko Namikawa · Eiko Azusa

Soundtrack Masaru Satô

Screenplay Ryuzo Kikushima · Ryotaro Shiba

Cinematography Kazuo Miyagawa

Original title Shirikurae Magoichi

Where to watch The Magoichi Saga (1969)?

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Unfortunately, The Magoichi Saga (1969) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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