Trys dienos (Three Days) (1991)

1991 · Movie · 76 min. · Lithuania

In Kaliningrad two Lithuanian boys meet two Russian girls. They have difficulties in finding places where they can sleep together. But this is the only problem they do solve. All four justly feel miserable because their lives are meaningless (the recurrent dull and poorly kept house façads could well be taken as a comparative symbol). In addition, everyone is so absorbed by his or her own distress and hardly capable of bothering about the anguish of the others. The three days end with a pervasive lack of contact.

Direction Šarūnas Bartas

Cast Yekaterina Golubeva · Rimma Latypova · Arunas Sakalauskas · Audrius Stonys

Soundtrack Šarūnas Bartas

Screenplay Šarūnas Bartas

Cinematography Vladas Naudzius

Original title Trys dienos (Three Days)

Where to watch Trys dienos (Three Days) (1991)?

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Unfortunately, Trys dienos (Three Days) (1991) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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