Mother's Song, Part II (1937)

1937 · Movie · 70 min. · Japan

Mother's Song, Part II (1937)

This film was inspired by the novel Stella Dallas by Olive Higgins Prouty and was initially released in two parts, respectively in 79 minutes and 70 minutes of length. They were combined into one 91-minute film and re-released in 1950. A mother who was bullied by women of the higher class abandons her home and family. She moves in with her male friend. She misses her daughter and hears her play the piano on the radio and surreptitiously at performances.

Direction Satsuo Yamamoto

Cast Yuriko Hanabusa · Setsuko Hara · Takako Irie · Tomoko Ito · Yôyô Kojima · Sadao Maruyama · Reiko Mizukami · Masao Mishima · Joji Oka · Osamu Takizawa

Soundtrack Noboru Ito

Cinematography Tatsuo Tomonari

Original title Haha no kyoku II

Where to watch Mother's Song, Part II (1937)?

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